The MontoloVoc vocabulary has the purpose to describe concepts and statistical measures regarding RDF data models.
Besides a vocabulary of terms, RDF data models usually also contain
restrictions in the form of axioms (e.g. RDFS or OWL) or constraints (SHACL or ShEx).
In the current version MontoloVoc provides concepts to describe
restriction types (e.g. disjoint classes) and different measurable expressions
of it, such as owl:disjointWith
or owl:AllDisjointClasses
Instances of such restriction type and expressions as well as statistical measures can be found in Montolo ( and concrete statistics about axioms in MontoloStats ( and about constraints in MontoloSHACLStats (
In the Semantic Web it is common to reuse existing concepts or whole data models. However, selecting concepts and data models for the use case at hand is not straightforward.
Depending on used restrictions the semantics might be different than what needed, also existing data models might be too complex or too simple for a given use case.
MontoloVoc has the aim to describe concepts regarding RDF data models which can be expressed in W3C Data Cube and W3C PROV compliant RDF, this makes the resulting statistics interoperable and reusable.
On a bigger scale such statistics provide insights in the way RDF data models are described. But also in a smaller scale such statistics are useful to compare possible reuse candidates or can facilitate the search for appropriate RDF data models for a use case.
mov | <> |
w3id-org | <> |
ns | <> |
owl | <> |
profile | <> |
xsd | <> |
voaf | <> |
rdfs | <> |
core | <> |
rdf | <> |
terms | <> |
cube | <> |
vann | <> |
prov | <> |
foaf | <> |
mon | <> |
The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.